Jawline Enhancement

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Before & After | Jawline Treatment

Been thinking about it? Enquire now.

I take a multi step approach to enhancing a jawline
— cece, founder

Here are a list of the biggest concerns I hear in relation to this troublesome little area:

  1. I hate my sagging jawline

  2. I want my jawline to be more defined

  3. The skin under my chin is saggy

  4. I feel like i have a double chin

  5. I don’t like how i look on the side

  6. ____________________________ (add yours here)

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Submental / Jawline Treatment | PDO Threads

Did You Know…

Volumising is actually one of our last resorts for treatment of the jawline.

We prefer to take other steps prior to adding volume.

What Do We Assess?

  • Presence of submental fat

  • Facial width (wide jaw)

  • Profile of the chin

  • Presence of jowls

  • Platysma muscle pull

  • Loose or lax skin

  • Overall facial fullness & tissue thickness

  • Mid face deficits

As you can see, there are many elements to assess and to take into consideration when developing a treatment plan.

We aim for the most natural jawlines.

This means respecting each person’s natural anatomy and ethnicity.

Variations in perceived attractiveness for women & men


A softer, more rounded jawline is generally seen as more aesthetically pleasing in women.

the ideal jaw angle is usually around 110 - 120 degrees. a more obtuse angle can be seen as less feminine.

The chin should be in line with the projection of the lips to maintain a soft & feminine profile.


Men generally have a more pronounced and angular jawline, which is considered masculine and strong.

The ideal jaw angle for men is usually more pronounced, around 120 - 130 degrees. A more obtuse angle contributes to a more defined and robust jawline.

The chin is typically more prominent in men, often aligning with or slightly protruding beyond the projection of the lips to enhance a strong, angular profile.

Your Jawline Treatment

CeceCosmetica | The Multi Step Approach

Listed below are the possible treatments available at CeceCosmetica to help improve the appearance of your jawline.

A handful of these treatments will be combined as part of your treatment pathway.

No single treatment on its own will solve your concerns effectively. At most, it will guarantee you a sub par result.

  • Jaw slimming

  • Chin enhancement

  • Lower face slimming

  • PDO threads to submental area

  • Fat dissolving to submental area

  • Face lift threads

  • Jawline enhancement

Prior to beginning your cosmetic journey with us, you must be committed to the process and willing to invest in your outcome.

Are you ready to find out if jawline enhancement is for you?