Facial Balancing

Using multiple modalities to enhance and harmonise the face

facial balancing treatment melbourne

Before & After | Wrinkle reduction & volumisation treatments (2 weeks in-between photos)

Wrinkle reduction | frown, forehead, crows feet, masseters (jaw slimming), mentalis (chin), DAO (sad face), nasalis (bunny lines)

Volume enhancement | cheeks, lips, chin, pyriform, mentolabial crease

Considering a facial balancing session?

Find out how we can help you achieve your best face yet.

Before & After | Wrinkle reduction & volume enhancement treatments (2 months in-between photos)

Wrinkle reduction | frown, forehead, crows feet, mentalis (chin)

Volume enhancement | cheeks, Pre-auricular, lips, jawline, chin

In facial aesthetics there are a couple of aspects of the face that we assess.

Off these assessments, we enhance the parts that will help us achieve increased “attractiveness”.

Attractiveness is subjective - yes, we understand.

But in the field of facial aesthetics, assessments are often based on specific metrics. These metrics, which guide many aesthetic treatments, are predominantly derived from European facial standards. While beauty varies across cultures, many of the proportions and ideals we reference in aesthetic assessments align with these European benchmarks, which can influence the perception of attractiveness in treatments.

At CeceCosmetica, we actually despise the cookie cutter approach. The assessment metrics help guide us, but we’re not bound by it - we treat who we see in front of us and we honour each person’s individuality and respect their ethnic background. We ensure all treatments are harmonious with this.

You will never see us partaking in aesthetic trends, as a result, no one will ever have the same shape lips or the same angled jawline.

We aren’t born perfect, nor were we destined to be. We encourage all our clients to embrace this ❤️

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Before & After | Wrinkle reduction & volume enhancement treatments (2 weeks in-between photos)

Wrinkle reduction | mentalis (chin)

Volume enhancement | Chin

How We Achieve Facial Balancing…

  • A thorough facial assessment during consultation. Feel heard with a discussion of what actually bothers you.

    We combine the two and formulate a treatment pathway.

  • We address your concerns and improve your profile through careful choice and precise placement of product.

    Aiming to use the minimal amount of product possible to obtain the most natural, undetectable results.

    If you are treated with dermal filler you will have an instant result!

    Walk out feeling GORGEOUS!

  • Wait for your results to settle in.

    It may take 2-4 weeks for product to settle - this will be the final result.

  • We have a follow-up either in person or virtually.

    We will review your results and we can discuss whether a few more tweaks need to be added.

    We plan for our next upkeep appointment.