Facial Slimming

Are you bothered by your wide jaw?

do you find yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth at night?

if you answered yes to either of the above, then You may be eligible for facial slimming treatment.

Before & after | Jaw Slimming

How Does It Work?

Jaw slimming offers a refined, more contoured facial appearance by relaxing the masseter muscles responsible for a broader jawline. By relaxing the muscle, it reduces tension as an added bonus. It may be suitable for those who clench or grind their teeth.

Results typically begin to appear within 1-2 weeks, with full effects visible around the 4-week mark. These results can last 3-6 months, depending on individual factors.

While generally well-tolerated, potential side effects may include slight bruising, swelling, or asymmetry. Rarely, patients may experience temporary weakness in nearby muscles.

jaw slimming melbourne

Before & after | Jaw Slimming

Get In Touch With Your FACIAL SLIMMING SPECIALISTS at CeceCosmetica