Thread Lifts vs PDO Threads | Unlocking the Secrets to Youthful Facial Rejuvenation Without Surgery

Thread Lift Vs. PDO (Polydioxanone) Threads for Facial Rejuvenation

Thread lifts have surged in popularity as a non-surgical alternative for facial rejuvenation, offering those who seek enhanced facial contour without the need for invasive procedures a compelling solution. Within this realm, two standout types of absorbable threads have garnered attention: PDO (polydioxanone) and PCL (polycaprolactone). Both threads serve to lift sagging skin while also stimulating collagen production, delivering a dual benefit of immediate contouring and long-term skin improvement. But as similar as these threads may seem, they hold key differences that could influence the right choice for an individual. In this analysis, we delve into the world of PDO threads and PDO/PCL thread lifts, comparing their mechanisms, effects, and key distinctions.

PDO threads frown lines melbourne

PDO Threads to improve deep frown lines

What Are Thread Lifts?

Thread lifts are minimally invasive procedures designed to elevate sagging skin on the face and neck. Using specialised absorbable threads—namely, PDO and PCL—these treatments involve threading fine, dissolvable sutures beneath the skin with a thin needle or cannula. These threads grip the skin and pull it upward, generating an immediate tightening effect. Over time, as the threads dissolve, they trigger the body’s healing process, spurring collagen production. This collagen surge leads to further improvements in skin firmness, texture, and overall vitality.

While both PDO and PCL threads offer this tightening effect, their differences lie in their duration and effectiveness. PDO threads generally dissolve within 6 to 9 months, offering short-term but effective results. On the other hand, PCL threads take longer to break down—typically between 18 to 24 months—therefore providing extended benefits.

What Are PDO Threads?

PDO threads, short for polydioxanone, are absorbable sutures that have long been utilised in medical contexts, especially for internal stitching. Over the years, these threads have become central to non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures. PDO threads serve a dual purpose: they lift sagging skin while also igniting collagen production for improved skin texture and elasticity.

There are several forms of PDO threads, including mono threads, which focus on skin tightening, and barbed threads, which offer a more dramatic lifting effect. Once embedded in the skin, these threads gradually dissolve while continuing to stimulate collagen production, leaving skin firmer and smoother even after the threads are long gone. PDO thread lifts are favoured for their subtle enhancement, making them particularly appealing for individuals looking to correct mild to moderate signs of aging.


PDO/PCL Thread Lifts for Non-Surgical Face Lift to Improve Sagging Skin with Minimal Downtime

When it comes to PDO and PCL thread lifts, both operate on a similar principle—lifting the skin and improving facial contours by embedding absorbable sutures underneath. These threads, once strategically positioned, pull sagging skin upward, creating a more youthful look. However, the benefits don’t stop at this immediate lifting effect. As the body works to dissolve these threads, collagen production is kickstarted, leading to improvements in skin firmness and elasticity that continue long after the initial lift.

While both PDO and PCL threads share the trait of being absorbable, PCL threads dissolve at a much slower pace, often taking up to two years to fully break down. This slower absorption allows for prolonged collagen production and, therefore, more sustained results. PCL threads are particularly effective for patients with deeper wrinkles and more pronounced sagging, offering a stronger lift and more robust collagen stimulation.

PDO Threads for Improved Skin Laxity and to Tighten Skin for a Youthful Appearance with Minimal Recovery Time

PDO threads, on the other hand, focus on quicker results. Like PCL threads, they provide an immediate lifting effect and promote collagen production, but their faster dissolution time—usually within six to nine months—makes them ideal for patients who are seeking a shorter-term enhancement. While the lift may be less dramatic compared to PCL threads, PDO threads excel in delivering subtle but noticeable improvements in skin texture and tone. The collagen-stimulating effects continue even after the threads have dissolved, meaning the skin will still benefit from the treatment long after the threads are no longer present.

before and after facelift thread lift melbourne

Before & After | Full Face Thread Lift


PDO/PCL Thread Lifts

The immediate effect of PDO/PCL thread lifts is the visible lifting and tightening of the skin, particularly in areas where sagging is most prominent, such as the jawline, cheeks, and neck. PCL threads, with their slower absorption rate, are better suited for more advanced aging concerns. These threads take longer to dissolve, providing a longer-lasting lift that continues to firm and rejuvenate the skin over time. As they break down, PCL threads prompt the production of collagen, leaving behind a network of collagen fibers that help maintain the skin’s structure and youthful appearance.

The longevity of PCL threads makes them a superior option for patients looking to address deeper wrinkles or significant skin laxity, particularly in areas where more support is needed. For those seeking a longer-term solution without opting for invasive surgery, PCL thread lifts are often the preferred choice.

PDO Threads

In contrast, PDO threads are often used to treat patients with more moderate signs of aging, such as fine lines or mild sagging. While they offer an immediate lift, the real benefit comes in the months following the procedure, as the body produces collagen around the threads. PDO threads are highly versatile and can be customized depending on the desired results. For example, mono threads work well for slight tightening, while barbed threads create a more pronounced lifting effect.

Though PDO threads dissolve faster than PCL threads, the collagen-stimulating properties of PDO threads mean that the skin continues to improve for months afterward. Patients looking for a temporary enhancement, or those trying thread lifts for the first time, often opt for PDO threads due to their quicker dissolution and subtle, natural-looking results.


Material and Duration

The most significant difference between PDO and PCL threads lies in the material composition and longevity. PDO threads dissolve within a relatively short window of 6 to 9 months, while PCL threads can last up to 24 months before fully dissolving. This makes PCL thread lifts a more suitable option for those looking for long-term results. While both threads stimulate collagen production, the longer-lasting nature of PCL threads allows for more sustained collagen generation, which can lead to more dramatic and lasting skin improvement.

Lift Strength and Collagen Production

PCL thread lifts are known for providing a stronger lift compared to PDO threads, largely due to their extended duration of collagen stimulation. Patients seeking a more substantial lift, particularly in areas like the jawline or neck, often opt for PCL threads. The longer PCL threads remain in the body, the longer the skin continues to benefit from enhanced collagen production, resulting in firmer, more youthful skin for an extended period.

On the other hand, PDO threads, while still effective at stimulating collagen production, offer a more moderate enhancement. Their quicker dissolution makes them better suited for patients seeking a short-term lift or those who are just beginning to notice signs of aging. The results are subtler compared to PCL threads but are still impactful.

Suitability for Different Skin Concerns

PDO threads are ideal for individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity or those looking for a subtle improvement in their facial appearance. Their faster breakdown and minimal invasiveness make them suitable for those wanting to test out thread lifts without committing to a longer-term procedure.

PCL threads, in contrast, are better suited for individuals with more advanced signs of aging or those who require a stronger, longer-lasting lift. The durability of PCL threads makes them particularly effective in treating areas with significant sagging, such as the cheeks, neck, and jawline, providing both a dramatic lift and long-term collagen support.

PDO threads before and after accordion lines

Before & After | PDO threads to improve accordion lines



  • Both PDO and PCL threads are absorbable, reducing the risk of long-term complications.

  • Immediate lifting effect, with added collagen production for long-term skin improvement.

  • PCL threads provide a longer-lasting lift, ideal for more advanced aging concerns.

  • Minimally invasive with less downtime compared to surgical facelifts.


  • PDO threads dissolve more quickly, so results may not last as long as PCL threads.

  • PCL threads, while longer-lasting, may not be necessary for patients seeking a more subtle enhancement.

Pros and Cons of PDO Threads for Improved Skin Laxity in Multiple Areas of the Face


  • Quick dissolution, with threads breaking down in 6-9 months.

  • Subtle lifting effect, making them ideal for early signs of aging.

  • Stimulates collagen production for long-term skin rejuvenation.

  • Suitable for patients who want a temporary enhancement.


  • Results may not be as dramatic or long-lasting as PCL threads.

  • More frequent touch-ups may be needed to maintain optimal results.

Thread Lifts & PDO Suture Threads Work Well Together

Thread lifts, whether with PDO or PCL threads, offer a non-surgical solution for lifting and rejuvenating the skin. PDO threads provide quicker, subtler results that are well-suited for patients seeking moderate improvement, while PCL threads offer a more robust, longer-lasting lift for those dealing with more pronounced aging concerns.

Ultimately, the choice between PDO and PCL threads depends on your individual needs, how dramatic or long-lasting you want the results to be, and your overall aesthetic goals.

Consulting with us at ceceCosmetica will help determine the most suitable option for achieving the facial rejuvenation you desire.


At CeceCosmetica we have a comprehensive approach to skin.

Experienced nurses will assess your skin and perform a full facial assessment and formulate a personalised treatment plan just for you! All our treatments are performed by qualified nurses.

We value education for both our team and our patients, allowing you to always make informed decisions throughout your cosmetic journey with us.


  • PDO thread results typically last around 6 to 9 months, as the threads dissolve within this time frame.

    However, the collagen production stimulated by PDO threads can provide skin improvements for several months after the threads have dissolved.

    PCL threads, on the other hand, last longer, with results that can persist for up to 18 to 24 months due to their slower absorption rate and prolonged collagen stimulation.

  • PCL threads are generally more effective for addressing more pronounced sagging around the jawline, as they provide a stronger, longer-lasting lift compared to PDO threads.

    However, PDO threads can still be a good option for mild to moderate sagging or if you're looking for a more subtle lift.

  • Both PDO and PCL thread lifts require minimal recovery time, as they are non-surgical procedures.

    You may experience mild swelling, bruising, or discomfort for a few days after the treatment, but most patients can resume normal activities within 24 to 48 hours.

    The recovery process is similar for both PDO and PCL thread lifts.


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